Monday, December 21, 2015

Naughty or nice...which list am I feeling today?

Thought I would make a list of as this is the season for lists of why I still do what I do every day:

1-Sense of accomplishment, too many times do we say we are going to do something and we don't
2-Runner's doesn't always happen but when it does it's a beautiful thing
3-Rare occasion I catch up to a runner and we have a brief conversation on what a great day it is to run...never thought I'd look at a day that way
4-The feeling of my day can officially start because I have completed that run...I am genuinely even later for everything when I don't work out first thing in the day
5-I LOVE "active wear" and getting new "active wear"...running habit keeps that going :)
6-Pushing myself each time a little bit harder to see if I can accomplish a goal I came up with mid way through my run
7-Taking a run easy because I kicked my own butt the day before
8-My kids asked if I had run yet...crap...have to do it now!
9-Woke up to my alarm and hubby is already down on his bike on the excuses
10-Sleep is over rated....or I'll take a nap later
11-I love running through my town at this time of year...twinkle lights are perfect at 6am
12-Laying in bed at 5:45am trying to think of a better time to run is miserable...I will not fall back to sleep
13-I love to see a sweaty shirt and sports bra at the end of a run...means I worked my butt off
14-I love waving to neighbors and friends while I head around town...they give me a little extra push 
15-I can't stand the last mile into my's the hardest because it's the last and has a few dips and valleys...but I am so happy to come upon it each time
16-Being alone for an hour and not having to talk or answer a question is a beautiful thing
17-I still surprise myself with my ability to judge what .25 of a mile is when I need to add on and know the loops and cul de sacs in my neighborhood
18-Doing silly math in my head as to how much longer I really still have on this run
19-Reminding myself more than I would like to what it was like at that last 1.2 miles of my marathon this past May and can't believe I was able to push that hard
20-Excited for what will come in just a few months of hard training
21-A cup of ice cream almost EVERY night ;)
22-Feeling stronger almost every time I run and motivated to face whatever the day throws my way
23-A nice hot shower after a chilly morning run
24-A delicious peanut butter banana chocolate protein shake while showering ;)
25-Knowing that one day I won't be able to do this...but today is not that day

I could go on forever...but I thought 25 would be a good number as that is the number of the season.  I was not always a runner...this list did not exist in my life 7 years ago but it does now and for me that is all that matters.  My runs matter to me every day and make a difference in my day and life.  They make me be able to tackle my day with a sense of calmness and stability that I otherwise would not have.  These 25 things may seem trivial and silly but they become what drives me to keep up this silly obsession.  Yes it is an addiction for me and I am aware of it but feel like that is not a bad one to have. 

I'd love to know what are some of the reasons that keep you going each day???  Maybe I could add them to my future list...please feel free to share!  We inspire and motivate each other...this is how this thing works.

Embrace the suck...choose you...lists make me happy ;) 

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